Arab               = Habbatus Sauda’, Habbatul Baraka, Kamun Aswad, Sinauj
Inggeris         = Nigella, love in a mist. Fennel Flower, Onion Seed, black seed
Melayu           = Jintan Hitam :D

Nabi Muhammad S.A.W. bersabda dalam Haditsnya yang dikutip dari kitab Ash Shahihain ”Gunakanlah Habbatus Sauda’ kerana di dalamnya terdapat sejenis ubat dari segala jenis macam penyakit kecuali As Sam (maut)” (HR.Bukhari, Muslim)

Ibnu Sina di dalam bukunya Canon of Medicine menyatakan Habbatus Sauda …… merangsang tenaga dan membantu pemulihan kepenatan dan semangat.

Ibnu Qayyim di dalam bukunya Medicine of the Prophet menyatakan Habbatus Sauda berupaya memulihkan penyakit-penyakit seperti batuk, bronchitits, masalah perut, kecacingan, masalah kulit seperti jerawat, sakit senggugut dan haid yang lain, menambah susu badan, menambah pengaliran air liur dan sebagainya.

Dr Ahmad Elkadi pula membuat kajian dan mendapati Habbatus Sauda mempertingkatkan daya tahan sakit (immune system).

Dalam kitab Al Tibb An-Nabawi (Pengobatan Cara Nabi) yang ditulis Ibnu Qayyim Al-Jauziyyah, Habbatus Sauda’ dikenal juga sebagai Al Habbah Al Barokah. Dalam kitab tersebut disebutkan bahwa Habbatus Sauda’ dapat mengubati 50 macam penyakit tanpa apa-apa kesan sampingan. Suatu ulasan ilmu kedoktoran menampilkan bahawa kandungan Habbatus Sauda’ antara lain:

* Antiinflamasi - mengubati perih/radang tenggorokan.
* Antiarthritis - mengubati reumatik.
* Analgesik - mengubati sakit gigi dan sakit kepala (migrain).
* Aktivitas hormon - mengatur haid dan meningkatkan aliran susu.
* Antiseptik - mengubati bau mulut.
* Antivirus - mengubati demam dan flu.
* Dermatologi - mengubati jerawat dan eksim.
* Urinary tract - mengubati saluran kemih dan batu ginjal.
* Sistem kekebalan - meningkatkan daya tahan tubuh untuk menangkal penyakit.
* Gastrointestinal tract - mengubati mabuk, diare, kejang konstipasi, dan empedu.
* Sistem sirkulasi - meningkatkan kinerja jantung.
* Nematocidal - mengubati cacing pita.
* Respiratory tract - mengubati sesak nafas (asma).

Khasiat Habatus Sauda'

*      ANGINA (sakit pada hati/ jantung) - kesakitan yang perit dan menyucuk-nyucuk pada dada, selalunya disebabkan oleh ketidak cukupan bekalan oksigen yang dibekalkan pada otot jantung. 

*      MASALAH PEREDARAN DARAH – anemia, arteroskloerosis, tekanan darah tinggi,tekanan darah redah, masalah jantung, varikosvein dan strok. 

*      MASALAH PERNAFASAN - asma, pneumonia, bronchitis dan batuk berkahak 

*      MASALAH SAKIT PUAN - fibroid, menopause,gangguan peredaran darah haid, jangkitan kulat/ keputihan, masalah ketika hamil, ketidaksuburan dan alahan. 

*      MASALAH BUAH PINGGANG - batu karang, bengkak buah pinggang, jangkitan pundi kencing dan kegagalan fungsi buah pinggang. 

*      MASALAH SEKSUAL - kelemahan fungsi seksual, mati pucuk, dan kurang ransangan 

*      MASALAH KULIT- insomnia, gangguan selera makan, tekanan dan ketegangan. 

*      MASALAH TULANG / SENDI - gout, arthritis dan reumatima 

*      MASALAH PENGHADAMAN - sembelit,direa, ulser, ketidakhadaaman dan gastik 

*      MASALAH MENTAL - meningkatkan/ meransangkan prestasi mental, membekalkan nutrien dan sebatian bagi menyempurnakan perjalanan fungsi otak dan kecergasan minda. 

*      MASALAH UMUM - kencing manis, alergi, migraine, kelesuan, sinus atau resdung, buasir dll.

*      MASALAH PEROKOK - menghindarkan penyakit barah yang disebabkan oleh NIKOTIN yang mengganggu peredaran darah dan debaran jantung. 

*      BRONKITIS - radang paru-paru, bengkak pada tiub udara di kerongkong.

Habbatus Sauda - English

In English, Nigella sativa seed is variously called Black cumin, fennel flower, nutmeg flower, Roman coriander, blackseed, black caraway, or black onion seed. Other names used, sometimes misleadingly, are onion seed and black sesame, both of which are similar-looking but unrelated. The seeds are frequently referred to as black cumin (as in Bengali কালো জিরা kalo jira), but this is also used for a different spice, Bunium persicum. The scientific name is a derivative of Latin niger “black”.[1] An older English name gith is now used for the corncockle. In English-speaking countries with large immigrant populations, it is also variously known as kalonji (Hindi कलौंजी kalauṃjī or कलोंजी kaloṃjī), kezah Hebrew קצח), chernushka (Russian), çörek otu (Turkish), habbat albarakah (Arabic حبه البركة ḥabbatu l-barakah “seed of blessing”) or siyah daneh (Persian سیاه‌دانه siyâh dâne)or كلونجى in urdu.

A Commercial Pack of Kalonji

This potpourri of vernacular names for this plant reflects that its widespread use as a spice is relatively new in the English speaking world, and largely associated with immigrants from areas where it is well known. Increasing use is likely to result in one of the names winning out. Nigella sativa has a pungent bitter taste and a faint smell of strawberries. It is used primarily in candies and liquors. The variety of naan bread called Peshawari naan is as a rule topped with kalonji seeds. In herbal medicine, Nigella sativa has anti-hypertensive, carminative, and anthelminthic properties. They are eaten by elephants to aid digestion.
In Islam, it is regarded as one of the greatest forms of healing medicine available. Muhammad once stated that the black seed can heal every disease—except death—as recounted in the following hadith:
           Narrated Khalid bin Sa’d:We went out and Ghalib bin Abjar was accompanying us. He fell ill on the way and when we arrived at Medina he was still sick. Ibn Abi ‘Atiq came to visit him and said to us, “Treat him with black cumin. Take five or seven seeds and crush them (mix the powder with oil) and drop the resulting mixture into both nostrils, for ‘Aisha has narrated to me that she heard the Prophet saying, ‘This black cumin is healing for all diseases except As-Sam.’ ‘Aisha said, ‘What is As-Sam?’ He said, ‘Death.’ ” (Bukhari)

Maintain A Healthy Immune System 

For over 3000 years, Black Seed has been revered by people from cultures around the world for its amazing power to heal and strengthen the body.
Also known as the “Blessed Seed”, Black Seed has been recommended in religious scriptures and was well-known in Ancient Egyptian, Roman and Greek medicine. It is an important herb in Ayurvedic and Middle Eastern treatments. Traditional uses for Black Seed are numerous and range from digestive complaints and skin problems to asthma and infertility.
In the last few decades, Black Seed has been the focus of numerous scientific and medical studies. The results have far surpassed expectations. Black Seed oil is rich in essential fatty acids, minerals and vitamins. An array of over 100 active components act in a unique synergy to strengthen and enhance the body, primarily through the immune system but also through the digestive, circulatory, respiratory and hormonal systems as well.

Historical Uses

Cultivation of black seed has been traced back more than 3,000 years to the kingdom of the Assyrians and ancient Egyptians. A bottle of black cumin oil was found in the tomb of King Tutankhamun, perhaps to protect the ruler in the afterlife.
Black cumin was a vital ingredient in many Egyptian dishes. Physicians of the pharaohs used the seeds as a digestive aid after opulent feasts and as a remedy for colds, headaches, toothaches, infections, inflammatory disorders and allergies. Black seed oil has been a beauty secret of women since ancient times. Queen Nefertiti, praised for her exquisite complexion, was an avid user of black seed oil.
Pliny the Elder crushed black seeds, mixed them with vinegar and honey, and applied the paste to snake bites and scorpion stings.
Black cumin and its oil have been used to purge parasites and worms, detoxify, ameliorate amoebic dysentery, shigellosis, abscesses, old tumors, ulcers of the mouth and rhinitis. Recent research confirms these uses for humans, dogs, cats and horses.

Modern Research

More than 200 university studies conducted since 1959 attest to the effectiveness of traditional uses of black seed. The essential oil of N. sativa seeds is antimicrobial and successful in the ratification of intestinal worms. In vitro studies in Jordan and the

United States have shown its volatile oil to be anti-leukemic. Other studies suggest this same active ingredient may serve as an immune-system booster and is proven effective in treating asthma and whooping cough.

Black seed is a complex substance of more than 100 compounds, some of which have not yet been identified or studied. A combination of fatty acids, volatile
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